Friday, April 24, 2009

MAXIMUM HEIGHT of fences 6 feet (per Cobb County)

Hey all,

I just hung up the phone with Carolyn in Cobb County Code Enforcement...

Carolyn told me the maximum height of a fence adjacent to a right of way (in our case Jamerson Road) is 6 feet as measured from the ground to the very top element (picket, post, cap, etc.). I shared with her that this does not make sense for several of our residents as their property is significantly below the road surface...a six foot high "privacy fence" in this context provides little, to no privacy. She understands, but indicated that we would need to go through the variance process to get this approved. Otherwise residents who install a higher fence will be required to remove it later (if a complaint is called in).

So, then I talked with John Peterson in the Zoning Department (who confirmed 6 feet is the limit). John also agreed with Carolyn, the way to "fix" this is to go through the variance process...he said the key is to make sure your neighbors agree with the height of the fence (I don't expect any problems here). Each property owner who is interested in installing a fence higher than 6 feet must apply for the variance. There is a $100 application fee and a $100 refundable deposit for the signs to be posted on the property. Additional information can be found at

Please understand the Board of Zoning Appeals is not obligated to grant a you a variance just because you applied for one. You must demonstrate a hardship (which I think the road widening project qualifies) and request a variance that is within reason. (and remember what is reasonable to you may not be reasonable to the adjacent property owner's or the Board of Zoning Appeals. You or your designated representative must attend the Variance Hearing.

For those of you who are not familiar with how this works, please do not feel intimidated by this. In my line of work (architecture) I do this all the time, so I am very familiar with how this works. I am happy to answer any questions / concerns you may have.

As you can see this is turing into a very large project so everyone's involvement is important. The FWRHA will continue to support in any way possible, but we can't do it alone....we need you to help us. Please talk with your neighbors and get them involved...get them involved in this blog and if they are unable to post here, please let me know what I can do to help get the information in their hands. Everyone's involvement is vital to the success of this project.

We have a lot of work ahead of us (I'm actually pretty glad DOT is starting down at Wigley Road, this gives us a little more time to get all of our ducks-in-a-row).



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